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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 CXu 97.02% 13,945.90pp 58,281,547,892 904 3,732 566
2 KinomiCandy 99.17% 13,727.06pp 16,437,406,433 650 2,050 1,065
3 Duskyui 98.90% 13,320.26pp 607,488,076,994 26,113 17,797 10,191
4 -Purple 96.59% 8,698.52pp 119,418,275,534 14,317 12,179 6,275
5 MillhioreF 99.39% 8,674.16pp 22,533,455,116 727 1,520 1,354
6 Keanu Reeves 91.06% 6,745.77pp 8,163,256,654 1,129 1,168 243
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