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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#604) Olib 99.83% 10,126.30pp 105,379,102,799 3,159 7,640 229
2 (#3,741) legoboomette 99.76% 3,408.75pp 29,766,499,924 891 3,335 561
3 (#4,810) Terriama 99.67% 2,812.99pp 4,736,216,547 99 506 190
4 (#5,799) Taiga Tiger 99.32% 2,454.35pp 1,360,035,141 56 335 106
5 (#7,745) Caelan 99.88% 1,973.32pp 1,334,205,002 1,853 1,096 258
6 (#10,156) Bubbleman 99.70% 1,566.47pp 704,737,255 244 32 61
7 (#10,762) Errxr 99.80% 1,491.16pp 789,516,468 390 129 6
8 (#16,496) Doomsday 98.35% 946.55pp 146,102,263 2 28 28
9 (#16,851) Sylstice 99.13% 919.60pp 219,819,300 2 82 48
10 (#36,286) burgerapoc 98.89% 876.14pp 73,228,126 30 74 21
11 (#18,421) Kingling 98.87% 816.14pp 109,245,717 4 51 22
12 (#27,790) RndGuy 96.90% 385.01pp 87,499,068 1 10 26
13 (#86,481) TheMeq 92.53% 24.15pp 2,428,121 0 0 2
14 (#588,673) Seven 99.07% 5.87pp 1,403,368 0 1 0
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