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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#634) Caelan 99.64% 11,658.50pp 6,552,423,351 702 1,987 2,937
2 (#4,594) Ventus 98.32% 5,537.23pp 1,124,811,140 7 402 721
3 (#6,753) Doomsday 97.86% 4,400.72pp 462,895,481 0 125 484
4 (#13,380) Jameslike 97.97% 2,619.77pp 46,472,429 0 28 53
5 (#13,440) RndGuy 98.30% 2,607.26pp 103,580,306 14 54 138
6 (#15,462) Bubbleman 98.11% 2,288.10pp 62,643,932 3 20 107
7 (#17,849) Sylstice 98.11% 1,983.02pp 104,323,405 1 29 232
8 (#18,432) Kingling 97.93% 1,916.88pp 27,891,866 10 44 53
9 (#18,999) legoboomette 98.38% 1,855.29pp 75,409,894 8 156 135
10 (#19,568) HAUNTE 95.57% 1,803.23pp 35,007,806 8 46 73
11 (#27,410) burgerapoc 96.44% 1,742.28pp 72,880,867 48 238 121
12 (#23,350) Wario 92.67% 1,501.03pp 15,431,162 2 9 30
13 (#25,128) VirtualMuffin 97.85% 1,387.39pp 111,195,870 101 343 156
14 (#29,191) Errxr 99.05% 1,174.29pp 8,352,152 46 18 12
15 (#40,097) OzzyOzborne 95.97% 898.28pp 5,922,227 1 4 13
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