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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Caelan 98.23% 24,798.56pp 77,051,882,366 3,630 8,371 6,402
2 Bubbleman 97.28% 23,452.54pp 127,128,442,393 429 1,817 3,605
3 Spare 97.18% 20,405.53pp 157,406,011,053 963 3,846 3,698
4 Doomsday 96.38% 18,555.67pp 307,805,990,328 1,145 9,936 6,121
5 Ventus 98.67% 17,700.43pp 235,312,482,291 553 6,493 3,797
6 Kingling 98.79% 17,062.92pp 337,695,872,554 9,060 11,169 5,136
7 Olib 99.55% 16,814.33pp 279,879,637,360 4,480 18,045 3,208
8 Karthy 99.17% 16,383.10pp 135,781,456,066 1,019 4,325 3,275
9 HAUNTE 96.64% 16,071.63pp 126,315,339,397 1,543 6,805 4,699
10 Wario 95.52% 15,333.93pp 74,897,734,064 279 1,956 3,185
11 helix 97.77% 13,514.30pp 82,484,992,048 2,238 3,547 2,095
12 Voss 98.72% 13,052.00pp 65,396,670,821 1,262 2,390 1,894
13 Taiga Tiger 97.23% 12,963.02pp 91,711,122,437 1,188 5,702 5,431
14 Jameslike 98.40% 12,885.47pp 80,175,950,328 117 1,851 1,538
15 Sylstice 97.09% 12,582.14pp 78,536,207,838 91 1,767 4,106
16 RndGuy 96.63% 12,511.99pp 53,874,563,755 75 1,931 3,692
17 burgerapoc 97.23% 12,286.63pp 92,559,159,166 8,585 7,158 5,396
18 Woffel 99.13% 12,121.70pp 62,677,413,591 107 964 3,758
19 Storm_AT 98.17% 11,829.63pp 93,496,447,025 2,312 5,481 1,709
20 Errxr 99.52% 11,569.25pp 103,874,243,033 9,611 3,604 4,948
21 Terriama 97.90% 11,437.48pp 89,382,026,260 995 3,841 3,838
22 Harpy 95.98% 11,304.14pp 49,010,051,637 95 1,155 1,681
23 Alevari 99.32% 11,106.60pp 60,760,856,123 202 2,082 2,785
24 legoboomette 97.68% 10,394.15pp 95,560,245,406 1,254 7,799 7,493
25 spook 98.40% 10,003.10pp 46,921,279,655 172 1,498 3,107
26 Pengrio 98.90% 9,748.19pp 158,843,917,731 2,293 6,786 5,004
27 Seven 37.21% 9,609.59pp 50,618,916,678 1,645 2,503 2,123
28 OskaRRRitoS 96.56% 9,383.62pp 90,225,615,897 1,662 3,496 2,592
29 rockstarrzz 99.26% 8,911.46pp 225,031,330,685 5,546 23,492 1,884
30 idealnettles 98.67% 8,519.49pp 84,296,097,733 423 2,609 4,515
31 Tilley 99.25% 8,409.41pp 51,229,662,086 159 1,813 2,632
32 Volcanism 99.42% 8,122.97pp 37,375,203,049 425 2,015 1,077
33 TheMeq 95.99% 7,975.86pp 34,326,147,202 504 2,294 1,554
34 NeVMiku 98.91% 7,889.40pp 72,679,712,868 481 3,757 1,725
35 Sobriquet 99.70% 7,878.55pp 214,162,449,447 24,595 14,405 4,309
36 Gaz 99.70% 7,318.75pp 62,370,433,349 5,985 2,533 1,547
37 4Circ 98.83% 6,859.60pp 51,315,441,828 57 1,073 3,197
38 CircleFairy 99.14% 6,845.30pp 43,036,213,926 150 1,437 3,089
39 Choke Easy 96.95% 6,726.03pp 42,909,171,768 1,075 4,466 2,946
40 koiishi 99.13% 6,688.85pp 156,784,298,378 5,358 10,639 13,039
41 VirtualMuffin 98.45% 6,205.84pp 162,529,840,975 10,133 22,337 12,696
42 Fat Whale 98.93% 6,019.09pp 103,190,292,901 13,856 20,301 5,496
43 OzzyOzborne 96.26% 1,076.40pp 35,022,104 3 23 24
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