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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#54,813) Caelan 96.79% 3,378.51pp 1,457,611,225 1 1,413 174
2 (#60,784) helix 96.20% 3,160.30pp 652,223,073 0 575 179
3 (#63,129) Spare 94.95% 3,082.03pp 302,038,948 0 130 168
4 (#87,249) Taiga Tiger 95.49% 2,398.96pp 671,627,860 29 450 246
5 (#90,120) Doomsday 94.45% 2,334.00pp 499,505,877 0 229 266
6 (#131,588) Storm_AT 97.36% 1,630.33pp 283,886,984 0 290 10
7 (#134,219) TheMeq 96.16% 1,599.58pp 267,614,695 21 173 61
8 (#191,576) Adamxd 94.57% 1,032.72pp 220,325,727 0 59 55
9 (#243,670) burgerapoc 96.18% 1,008.10pp 591,771,417 164 341 99
10 (#205,825) Terriama 96.34% 928.84pp 387,573,524 0 297 99
11 (#209,430) OskaRRRitoS 94.14% 905.93pp 111,680,991 2 48 57
12 (#395,895) Choke Easy 94.79% 184.46pp 45,928,758 0 23 13
13 (#231,539) OzzyOzborne 95.38% 178.12pp 23,611,397 1 16 8
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