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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#116) Spare 99.40% 17,323.50pp 157,109,432,345 964 3,716 3,530
2 (#186) Karthy 99.17% 16,383.10pp 135,781,456,066 1,019 4,325 3,275
3 (#498) Kingling 99.50% 14,329.90pp 337,558,734,971 9,046 11,074 5,061
4 (#512) HAUNTE 97.72% 14,268.40pp 126,280,331,591 1,535 6,759 4,626
5 (#986) Voss 98.72% 13,052.00pp 65,396,670,821 1,262 2,390 1,894
6 (#1,557) Ventus 99.01% 12,163.20pp 234,187,671,151 546 6,091 3,076
7 (#3,124) Doomsday 98.64% 10,874.40pp 306,697,486,707 1,143 9,554 5,343
8 (#4,133) helix 99.35% 10,354.00pp 81,835,530,983 2,238 2,972 1,917
9 (#4,525) Storm_AT 98.98% 10,199.30pp 93,212,560,041 2,312 5,191 1,699
10 (#6,280) Seven 99.55% 9,603.72pp 50,617,513,310 1,645 2,502 2,123
11 (#9,167) rockstarrzz 99.26% 8,911.46pp 225,031,330,685 5,546 23,492 1,884
12 (#9,212) Errxr 99.42% 8,903.80pp 103,081,108,971 9,175 3,458 4,930
13 (#9,380) Adamxd 99.14% 8,871.85pp 118,484,445,960 716 4,270 2,762
14 (#10,648) burgerapoc 98.89% 8,660.11pp 91,821,278,756 8,343 6,505 5,155
15 (#11,528) idealnettles 98.67% 8,519.49pp 84,296,097,733 423 2,609 4,515
16 (#11,805) OskaRRRitoS 98.97% 8,477.69pp 90,113,934,906 1,662 3,446 2,535
17 (#14,465) Volcanism 99.42% 8,122.97pp 37,375,203,049 425 2,015 1,077
18 (#14,595) Taiga Tiger 98.60% 8,109.71pp 89,679,459,436 1,103 4,917 5,079
19 (#16,551) Sobriquet 99.70% 7,878.55pp 214,162,449,447 24,595 14,405 4,309
20 (#17,387) Caelan 99.25% 7,788.23pp 67,707,642,788 1,074 3,875 3,033
21 (#18,354) Terriama 99.26% 7,695.65pp 84,258,236,189 896 3,038 3,549
22 (#22,804) Gaz 99.70% 7,318.75pp 62,370,433,349 5,985 2,533 1,547
23 (#32,975) koiishi 99.13% 6,688.85pp 156,784,298,378 5,358 10,639 13,039
24 (#33,004) Olib 99.28% 6,688.03pp 174,500,534,561 1,321 10,405 2,979
25 (#35,897) Choke Easy 99.10% 6,541.57pp 42,863,243,010 1,075 4,443 2,933
26 (#40,175) TheMeq 99.10% 6,352.13pp 34,056,104,386 504 2,100 1,491
27 (#48,673) Fat Whale 98.93% 6,019.09pp 103,190,292,901 13,856 20,301 5,496
28 (#96,577) VirtualMuffin 99.06% 4,818.45pp 162,931,299,099 10,100 22,093 12,558
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