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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#27,869) Aikyuu-Chan 95.37% 4,796.08pp 1,224,130,161 17 1,231 17
2 (#47,291) tatatat 94.73% 3,694.78pp 1,863,687,663 1 1,166 703
3 (#71,418) MetroidFan 96.96% 2,818.29pp 475,886,250 0 489 82
4 (#109,046) Loli-chan Nyan 98.61% 1,960.84pp 2,557,325,311 20 2,662 2
5 (#123,662) -felicia 95.43% 1,736.88pp 248,158,875 0 214 48
6 (#173,157) D_Sido 95.48% 1,188.39pp 486,027,239 12 420 47
7 (#180,478) Shige-Tori[a] 96.66% 1,123.46pp 321,455,495 35 299 3
8 (#183,742) rrapido 99.81% 1,096.34pp 381,218,575 363 1 0
9 (#187,081) Ldnz 97.90% 1,069.44pp 232,600,105 2 225 21
10 (#187,540) Scepify 97.22% 1,063.82pp 242,779,796 0 169 60
11 (#207,368) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,717,999,592 3,713 0 0
12 (#216,233) Tactic 99.63% 861.07pp 1,000,357,917 67 934 0
13 (#232,393) Kitsuka 99.64% 764.04pp 2,752,680,779 14 2,834 0
14 (#243,957) xnatzukii 94.75% 700.43pp 226,642,419 8 102 110
15 (#274,929) ujel 99.29% 551.85pp 36,277,585 0 41 0
16 (#310,644) mirza_rachman18 99.54% 412.35pp 88,455,311 90 0 0
17 (#356,375) Squidh 99.52% 271.78pp 48,000,229 2 46 0
18 (#461,210) 290ms 96.94% 12.29pp 1,746,495 1 0 1
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