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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,982) TemaZpro 100.00% 10,041.80pp 92,008,488,198 7,584 1 1
2 (#5,432) -felicia 99.80% 9,874.26pp 26,896,192,701 6,208 327 472
3 (#7,719) Aikyuu-Chan 100.00% 9,212.62pp 60,402,480,734 16,035 195 23
4 (#7,995) Qumania 99.79% 9,152.36pp 41,845,008,449 4,455 459 1,050
5 (#11,196) Brown Guy 2 99.44% 8,574.12pp 10,593,626,871 519 301 1,064
6 (#13,263) Ldnz 99.81% 8,277.36pp 4,510,344,418 604 242 1
7 (#17,856) Eps 100.00% 7,742.83pp 1,382,398,477 541 0 0
8 (#19,264) Hylorb 100.00% 7,611.50pp 24,180,363,985 1,216 0 3
9 (#19,867) Tactic 99.99% 7,558.08pp 30,315,194,115 13,676 100 145
10 (#20,980) mirza_rachman18 100.00% 7,459.76pp 19,627,324,050 3,269 2 7
11 (#24,148) Scepify 99.26% 7,221.98pp 6,889,492,068 773 262 156
12 (#27,257) Mortem 100.00% 7,018.65pp 11,364,218,239 606 0 0
13 (#34,903) ChilaKiller 100.00% 6,590.83pp 10,158,140,216 3,115 21 4
14 (#40,246) corydoras 100.00% 6,346.96pp 55,880,497,723 10,860 7 25
15 (#51,908) MetroidFan 99.99% 5,904.07pp 3,649,072,313 1,246 2 10
16 (#54,115) akaRe 99.92% 5,829.84pp 22,563,739,619 3,120 472 434
17 (#56,917) Ominiknight 99.99% 5,739.69pp 31,914,508,786 5,361 13 1
18 (#57,691) PainKiller 99.99% 5,716.78pp 16,494,435,996 1,727 822 164
19 (#69,564) anikiii 100.00% 5,396.16pp 42,853,600,863 7,577 531 8
20 (#82,786) UltraMax 99.99% 5,090.70pp 21,434,081,585 6,564 75 79
21 (#88,920) Moka 99.99% 4,966.21pp 14,138,538,647 4,251 426 172
22 (#93,307) Evgas 100.00% 4,880.38pp 29,815,608,118 20,312 10 0
23 (#97,434) Ryuka- 100.00% 4,801.69pp 9,741,247,345 2,424 202 55
24 (#100,466) Shige-Tori[a] 99.99% 4,745.94pp 21,445,879,473 5,704 790 145
25 (#104,708) Kotoki 100.00% 4,667.27pp 3,158,652,254 1,355 0 1
26 (#105,295) Rimuwu 100.00% 4,656.89pp 6,507,539,865 4,159 18 3
27 (#133,043) Dey 99.99% 4,213.24pp 3,796,677,766 1,564 47 106
28 (#138,614) pierseph 100.00% 4,132.05pp 5,454,792,931 4,352 0 1
29 (#176,430) Cthuko 100.00% 3,664.00pp 5,650,244,744 3,734 1 6
30 (#201,033) iRedak- 99.99% 3,414.87pp 8,187,520,777 4,820 1,031 1,095
31 (#207,556) YuuNT041 99.88% 3,355.22pp 17,897,692,461 7,197 1,137 1,243
32 (#209,748) Vernien 100.00% 3,334.82pp 20,405,724,065 13,480 4 28
33 (#219,821) ShadowRaiden 99.77% 3,246.15pp 36,452,848,525 1,940 4,800 1,648
34 (#232,480) SuperDerpSlerp 100.00% 3,138.67pp 2,303,628,357 709 0 0
35 (#235,257) -JRDRC- 99.91% 3,117.09pp 3,702,004,249 882 258 328
36 (#254,654) rrapido 99.99% 2,968.56pp 4,689,509,048 2,415 6 8
37 (#274,618) D_Sido 100.00% 2,829.34pp 7,812,993,791 5,280 126 20
38 (#283,743) Squidh 100.00% 2,768.16pp 1,268,386,206 724 0 0
39 (#284,199) xnatzukii 97.15% 2,766.73pp 1,330,865,035 534 136 577
40 (#292,318) C0Games 100.00% 2,715.21pp 13,721,775,264 7,339 9 1
41 (#383,472) BCM 100.00% 2,224.65pp 320,271,085 300 0 0
42 (#404,148) Ckasmo 99.76% 2,129.88pp 4,185,263,453 3,093 3 2
43 (#456,005) OrigamiGamer 100.00% 1,916.13pp 584,537,082 563 53 24
44 (#471,167) Loli-chan Nyan 100.00% 1,858.50pp 895,435,899 1,130 10 10
45 (#507,192) 13187berlin 99.99% 1,728.90pp 602,711,978 676 5 4
46 (#507,828) ujel 100.00% 1,726.72pp 985,607,390 2,862 1 2
47 (#654,301) tatatat 99.99% 1,291.36pp 78,414,497 278 16 33
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