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Classement Mania Francophone

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
51 (#15,172) Oshynaru 95.28% 6,210.17pp 1,936,941,717 168 1,802 224
52 (#15,317) Wiwi26 96.89% 6,188.21pp 2,916,810,158 557 2,215 309
53 (#15,347) exomanXX 94.71% 6,183.31pp 1,229,610,863 87 1,005 218
54 (#15,493) Ealio 96.40% 6,162.09pp 1,099,432,363 43 1,024 89
55 (#15,673) NekoBaka 96.04% 6,132.83pp 689,714,529 2 540 163
56 (#16,366) Tantei B 94.50% 6,033.69pp 1,594,435,422 93 1,555 207
57 (#16,513) AmamiNya 95.59% 6,010.78pp 2,869,427,416 288 2,491 295
58 (#16,537) Ttobas 96.43% 6,007.15pp 701,601,534 75 601 43
59 (#17,675) denhay 94.96% 5,850.61pp 1,535,184,910 218 1,289 185
60 (#18,283) 2xThunder 96.81% 5,774.74pp 1,245,268,122 49 1,202 106
61 (#18,307) Kyr4 96.66% 5,771.56pp 552,027,081 72 471 47
62 (#18,453) -Mymix- 95.66% 5,756.39pp 1,002,754,538 56 741 253
63 (#18,586) f o r g i v e n 95.77% 5,739.71pp 1,143,450,894 244 873 109
64 (#19,404) Soviet Kebab 96.68% 5,639.74pp 1,541,602,734 41 1,134 450
65 (#20,036) KenshiroEditz 94.41% 5,576.49pp 1,584,154,060 306 1,110 232
66 (#20,119) Laffey Gaming 95.78% 5,567.71pp 1,298,429,898 149 1,174 47
67 (#20,419) Musty 96.43% 5,536.12pp 1,148,859,969 39 959 251
68 (#20,444) Shinkurifu 96.90% 5,532.86pp 1,211,706,708 24 1,102 214
69 (#20,537) Volkas 94.19% 5,521.51pp 514,565,905 4 246 352
70 (#20,605) Dougal Flopguy 95.58% 5,514.51pp 1,589,038,082 14 1,266 471
71 (#21,551) ShioZeN_Gekkou 96.00% 5,422.06pp 2,712,259,286 1,160 1,542 152
72 (#21,576) Remyria 96.35% 5,419.89pp 2,750,612,770 946 1,908 78
73 (#21,689) ItsPony666 95.79% 5,409.89pp 689,713,980 31 569 142
74 (#21,745) Hardstuck 10 96.13% 5,404.65pp 867,660,087 36 771 156
75 (#22,510) Eikinel 96.64% 5,330.31pp 912,590,611 80 783 110
76 (#27,389) XeoStyle 95.50% 4,908.50pp 781,561,781 68 613 175
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