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Classement Mania Francophone

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#13) Ttobas 99.99% 22,208.10pp 105,005,031,539 2,044 2,424 76
2 (#2,818) Lightedd 99.10% 4,194.64pp 1,694,320,342 20 272 113
3 (#2,841) Remyria 99.68% 4,166.18pp 15,462,446,815 2,818 107 60
4 (#2,983) Chernobog 99.49% 4,016.92pp 2,446,857,550 38 412 275
5 (#5,734) Musty 99.21% 2,476.69pp 1,030,428,421 40 197 112
6 (#16,359) exomanXX 97.45% 957.91pp 121,392,222 7 35 63
7 (#22,998) PatouZ 99.49% 700.45pp 309,425,439 24 117 5
8 (#484,595) polo2000 97.49% 6.30pp 602,532 0 0 1
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