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Classement Mania Francophone

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#501) Chernobog 99.30% 12,266.90pp 2,180,249,940 44 549 1,159
2 (#1,328) DemonWaves 97.26% 9,578.03pp 839,998,835 5 217 470
3 (#1,547) Lightedd 96.89% 9,076.85pp 750,414,851 3 238 368
4 (#1,877) Remyria 98.45% 8,410.80pp 1,044,824,840 391 982 223
5 (#2,280) Wavelation 98.68% 7,736.45pp 1,474,434,408 127 455 1,124
6 (#2,430) Soviet Kebab 96.24% 7,531.64pp 1,941,306,708 16 538 1,461
7 (#4,183) Shadowzyx 98.48% 5,830.17pp 762,155,636 14 70 839
8 (#5,773) Koiidex 99.13% 4,845.24pp 158,406,173 11 107 113
9 (#7,125) Musty 97.69% 4,241.16pp 153,662,000 2 60 171
10 (#9,063) NekoBaka 95.64% 3,582.66pp 187,863,311 0 12 209
11 (#22,312) Dougal Flopguy 98.14% 1,576.46pp 28,838,661 6 66 49
12 (#19,113) PatouZ 94.97% 1,499.63pp 38,301,093 9 53 35
13 (#30,092) ZayyKen 97.74% 1,231.82pp 22,151,991 16 33 24
14 (#36,107) Neyra 91.25% 906.87pp 10,546,600 0 3 18
15 (#120,374) polo2000 90.87% 255.44pp 1,128,755 0 1 3
16 (#125,856) Oshynaru 85.99% 103.24pp 361,494 0 1 1
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