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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
101 (#263) NewJeans 99.45% 14,147.60pp 1,915,050,324 3,785 397 114
102 (#11,034) Gato2499 99.45% 3,741.58pp 159,519,536 288 129 9
103 (#80) asuasu_yura 99.44% 16,448.60pp 5,269,574,805 1,572 3,554 364
104 (#405) Cookie_Tree 99.44% 13,010.90pp 3,750,909,894 26 690 1,264
105 (#2,171) MyAngelRuby 99.44% 8,361.29pp 2,957,497,807 7,671 319 53
106 (#1,668) Hazakura 99.43% 9,239.62pp 2,280,437,002 735 1,280 335
107 (#154) makimen 99.43% 15,216.90pp 2,965,517,648 975 2,947 60
108 (#1,017) Alepat 99.43% 10,716.30pp 2,881,404,003 197 1,729 714
109 (#2,210) Tomoka Rin 99.43% 8,306.74pp 1,999,169,671 810 1,541 85
110 (#346) vrnl 99.43% 13,350.20pp 41,460,559,711 18,310 23,724 14,368
111 (#3,654) Nardoxyribonucleic 99.43% 6,804.52pp 7,696,804,229 17,363 3,761 0
112 (#1,011) TS_LewisLuo 99.43% 10,739.90pp 2,996,604,527 3,224 907 120
113 (#439) Dynutka 99.43% 12,802.40pp 5,790,118,604 1,002 2,390 760
114 (#1,054) Rimazii 99.43% 10,642.20pp 1,865,598,282 106 1,191 474
115 (#1,321) crim 99.42% 10,000.30pp 5,137,090,315 3,074 2,341 304
116 (#471) Reeche4 99.42% 12,672.40pp 2,065,608,996 1,163 1,079 192
117 (#3,281) Renka 99.41% 7,125.52pp 14,436,745,076 30,088 4,715 16
118 (#1,009) K a y o k o 99.41% 10,752.80pp 1,954,648,214 123 704 843
119 (#1,041) sed234rrr 99.41% 10,661.80pp 2,890,963,114 1,633 1,308 53
120 (#320) Das 99.40% 13,550.20pp 16,050,752,839 1,434 12,452 3,751
121 (#707) Ku Ren 99.40% 11,658.10pp 1,616,106,877 204 456 748
122 (#9) Grape_Tea 99.39% 19,510.40pp 4,457,289,892 6,793 1,108 652
123 (#216) TKS 99.39% 14,470.00pp 2,808,828,347 423 2,161 256
124 (#415) yassu- 99.39% 12,979.60pp 4,814,114,092 5,508 864 464
125 (#777) ToraThePotato 99.38% 11,438.10pp 2,373,343,813 202 575 1,091
126 (#32,297) Luvasus 99.38% 1,416.64pp 22,101,319 172 77 0
127 (#889) vethreal 99.38% 11,097.30pp 3,075,397,327 94 1,200 1,083
128 (#54) cat1346 99.38% 17,240.40pp 2,671,048,587 296 856 426
129 (#262) 1RoHa_ 99.38% 14,160.10pp 2,303,323,915 407 1,434 281
130 (#5,179) wakatsuki 99.38% 5,835.22pp 617,606,064 31 715 99
131 (#567) Serial Dreemurr 99.37% 12,164.60pp 1,957,979,755 235 904 512
132 (#1,145) Vendelicious 99.36% 10,422.20pp 2,787,060,056 169 1,165 1,141
133 (#3,610) Ciel s 99.36% 6,848.46pp 3,792,330,098 5,368 2,449 189
134 (#26,190) Wummer 99.35% 1,752.05pp 64,994,843 660 181 1
135 (#67) ndrrr 99.35% 16,916.70pp 4,123,618,492 1,206 2,619 923
136 (#2,858) Ayane Sora 99.35% 7,531.34pp 7,890,411,407 16,419 2,500 88
137 (#779) Siva Inu 99.35% 11,428.90pp 1,235,760,012 368 195 455
138 (#11,221) Daletto 99.35% 3,696.54pp 324,868,364 122 540 26
139 (#33,851) 23blab 99.35% 1,346.71pp 38,242,382 247 75 18
140 (#7,933) jw9478 99.34% 4,658.77pp 447,181,038 128 623 87
141 (#222) BakeryCookieMan 99.34% 14,437.60pp 4,211,925,899 5,064 582 614
142 (#1,715) geston 99.34% 9,152.57pp 8,005,534,219 16,321 774 293
143 (#1,777) NO37 99.34% 9,031.96pp 1,948,030,856 1,447 219 1,074
144 (#264) overdahedge2015 99.34% 14,145.00pp 3,717,699,011 215 945 1,326
145 (#236) _Rise 99.33% 14,368.70pp 2,208,366,382 2,767 591 58
146 (#336) detteiuu 99.33% 13,438.30pp 2,109,579,902 343 996 84
147 (#711) Aesa 99.33% 11,638.00pp 1,648,363,211 41 540 497
148 (#548) Chernobog 99.33% 12,262.00pp 2,089,311,119 44 546 960
149 (#16,989) GDLenny 99.33% 2,653.24pp 110,002,201 313 64 37
150 (#202) Ghost_r 99.32% 14,640.10pp 1,563,269,322 119 629 262
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