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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
201 (#925) Fumatsu 99.18% 12,692.20pp 141,932,956,264 289 3,183 1,619
202 (#404) Saryi 99.62% 14,231.70pp 140,901,632,576 1,111 3,899 1,956
203 (#4,935) Cres 99.32% 9,735.41pp 139,599,535,581 2,100 8,449 2,226
204 (#1,123) Koltay 99.01% 12,383.90pp 139,129,734,512 16,819 3,439 2,964
205 (#24,250) DarkestMagi 99.19% 7,073.31pp 139,002,137,963 1,591 7,424 3,941
206 (#80) hyeok2044 99.32% 17,263.50pp 138,688,056,334 114 2,851 2,570
207 (#3,929) StripedGoose 98.83% 10,134.70pp 138,675,370,720 4,408 13,455 2,891
208 (#3,211) gasanww 99.54% 10,462.20pp 138,149,733,658 2,920 5,643 1,028
209 (#60) Rupertion 99.60% 17,820.50pp 137,737,931,026 1,521 3,547 2,383
210 (#32,282) Kanoob 98.98% 6,607.25pp 137,713,141,767 2,271 10,147 4,838
211 (#114,781) Piro13 97.90% 4,507.98pp 137,409,174,700 13,721 19,805 5,723
212 (#14,330) BadWolfi 99.01% 7,941.93pp 137,251,795,284 732 3,673 4,561
213 (#87,075) _r10t_p4t_ 98.22% 4,976.41pp 136,792,581,972 1,910 12,420 1,519
214 (#3,598) Maxkem 99.63% 10,274.10pp 136,752,760,570 3,268 3,524 3,706
215 (#146,962) Sherry 98.86% 4,060.09pp 136,464,161,587 9,405 25,001 3,294
216 (#5,488) Kekai 98.83% 9,555.68pp 136,102,747,729 604 3,992 6,040
217 (#52,279) koiishi 98.87% 5,817.38pp 135,849,434,092 5,343 10,326 9,915
218 (#149) Karthy 99.22% 16,176.80pp 135,753,229,690 1,018 4,445 2,922
219 (#1,117) Tuon 99.41% 12,389.80pp 135,399,882,920 304 3,309 3,110
220 (#108,101) VirtualMuffin 99.02% 4,614.89pp 135,223,661,546 8,835 19,093 8,975
221 (#4,047) ImMyyrh 99.04% 10,087.20pp 134,985,834,161 20,555 6,621 2,488
222 (#1,421) Vandabe 99.00% 11,927.30pp 134,869,565,755 1,381 7,412 2,646
223 (#1,754) Minecraft570 98.90% 11,536.00pp 134,751,428,938 2,427 4,210 2,660
224 (#148) SadnessWillSear 99.62% 16,178.20pp 134,720,294,293 204 2,621 2,344
225 (#23,394) Numero_Zer0e 99.04% 7,133.47pp 134,711,443,171 1,257 5,368 2,332
226 (#43,498) Futaba aoi 99.18% 6,119.19pp 134,537,385,209 5,462 12,214 10
227 (#780) xbox dog 99.29% 13,057.50pp 134,509,655,113 3,442 3,349 1,986
228 (#555) Smarteyy 99.02% 13,670.90pp 134,485,857,788 102 2,605 4,088
229 (#15,603) OnniS6 99.39% 7,799.03pp 134,105,998,144 5,894 9,213 6,922
230 (#3,031) Rucker 99.46% 10,552.70pp 133,916,879,489 4,148 5,225 1,582
231 (#10,847) Spritzer 99.61% 8,410.68pp 133,897,888,272 4,359 4,070 568
232 (#23,857) LoredanaTomaFan 98.91% 7,098.08pp 133,839,537,556 657 7,621 7,405
233 (#36,282) Pemlory 98.74% 6,416.11pp 133,223,736,395 10,988 10,598 4,779
234 (#2,867) Leebs 99.02% 10,658.90pp 132,856,169,046 329 3,967 4,085
235 (#3,514) Sampo 98.47% 10,309.40pp 132,079,014,578 1,458 5,299 5,185
236 (#85,157) Serious07 99.07% 5,014.66pp 131,959,970,575 43,354 2,717 2,300
237 (#13,297) LwL 98.59% 8,071.58pp 131,586,535,409 717 5,948 4,624
238 (#4,200) little Agile 99.48% 10,026.50pp 131,109,601,700 1,539 5,190 1,471
239 (#2,655) Uchirrod 98.98% 10,779.90pp 130,873,545,296 110 3,135 5,299
240 (#1,991) Spork Lover 99.06% 11,303.90pp 130,830,678,174 475 4,106 3,446
241 (#58) Mastasz 99.50% 17,856.40pp 129,904,760,238 475 3,543 1,777
242 (#478) yia 99.43% 13,915.80pp 128,963,387,856 306 3,324 4,710
243 (#12,227) DJ YOSHITAKA 99.12% 8,207.89pp 128,672,455,109 693 6,190 9,105
244 (#14,862) PostScr1pt 98.51% 7,881.54pp 128,097,877,529 3,173 13,001 3,452
245 (#6,120) mrzomb 99.20% 9,367.72pp 128,068,706,046 983 3,931 2,688
246 (#818) AstroFP 99.34% 12,954.80pp 128,034,770,836 747 3,178 2,555
247 (#4,771) Nitroz 98.92% 9,794.32pp 128,029,943,165 8,230 8,215 2,383
248 (#36,648) SoulOfArtorias 99.11% 6,398.64pp 128,029,101,746 874 4,785 5,148
249 (#30,489) Noercy 99.63% 6,701.33pp 127,790,384,805 32,880 2,613 2,989
250 (#392) thaibuy 98.73% 14,310.00pp 127,770,489,479 395 3,804 1,638
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