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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
101 (#134,934) Psychicpsycho 99.99% 4,218.44pp 18,226,270,257 12,409 54 6
102 (#1,655) up44 99.40% 11,640.90pp 623,133,157,967 12,151 15,089 3,742
103 (#52,464) Sipsu 99.19% 5,810.86pp 60,151,661,549 12,134 2,595 2,531
104 (#43,946) Arx Alveria 98.98% 6,102.26pp 511,144,051,378 12,082 54,262 17,782
105 (#42,369) WitherFlower 98.84% 6,160.55pp 187,459,721,846 12,072 25,303 6,385
106 (#132,727) hent2222 99.55% 4,249.24pp 18,413,454,904 11,991 188 22
107 (#415,501) Leralice 99.99% 2,152.86pp 10,913,242,441 11,854 3 0
108 (#28,786) Xeanex 99.05% 6,792.88pp 93,095,842,374 11,737 4,958 2,735
109 (#180,221) Swakz 99.31% 3,675.42pp 14,826,772,250 11,733 449 405
110 (#389,406) 290ms 99.99% 2,269.39pp 15,946,600,700 11,651 17 1
111 (#2,052) NO37 99.54% 11,259.20pp 114,684,927,142 11,577 1,478 2,695
112 (#46,358) Pkups 98.91% 6,014.70pp 188,876,630,486 11,393 15,204 6,980
113 (#49,722) Bittshrooms 98.73% 5,900.01pp 175,026,466,757 11,355 24,938 3,420
114 (#19,158) okappi 99.10% 7,455.40pp 39,081,629,366 11,248 1,915 2,069
115 (#87,151) FuzimiyaYuki 98.80% 4,974.31pp 26,654,807,987 11,239 688 246
116 (#44,023) KierownikCzolgu 99.71% 6,099.78pp 17,185,505,455 11,150 99 333
117 (#8,790) Prade 99.41% 8,732.71pp 241,993,101,857 11,100 6,524 2,915
118 (#127,267) Joon Yorigami 99.25% 4,325.63pp 44,830,553,760 11,093 2,250 465
119 (#311,767) mashihunter 99.99% 2,663.52pp 20,716,324,893 11,023 23 300
120 (#36,315) Pemlory 98.74% 6,413.13pp 132,921,698,598 10,972 10,590 4,775
121 (#79,209) sanghaaaa 98.67% 5,134.88pp 38,931,027,561 10,827 5,135 2,595
122 (#194,012) CyberSylver 99.96% 3,539.09pp 36,521,177,079 10,790 2,648 3
123 (#413,264) linake 98.34% 2,162.43pp 87,917,505,867 10,778 21,646 4,719
124 (#50,187) SSoleBoy 99.23% 5,883.45pp 37,396,617,975 10,654 3,180 1,140
125 (#11,031) Buster 99.28% 8,381.32pp 41,715,466,167 10,576 2,707 594
126 (#29,007) Infric 99.44% 6,779.60pp 35,100,984,434 10,563 2,343 1,259
127 (#132,718) Serizawa Haruki 99.99% 4,250.05pp 27,007,403,337 10,543 1,892 708
128 (#4,794) SampIe 97.91% 9,781.20pp 43,769,201,401 10,369 1,824 1,571
129 (#28,644) Sanya321232 99.74% 6,801.98pp 26,980,121,341 10,138 1,203 1,316
130 (#2,042) Helfy0 99.43% 11,268.50pp 336,031,875,358 10,094 19,554 4,750
131 (#2,273) Juicy- 98.90% 11,079.70pp 160,637,603,847 10,074 3,971 1,598
132 (#645) Toy 99.49% 13,368.00pp 167,151,525,674 9,808 4,380 1,555
133 (#24,280) mmi 99.19% 7,071.07pp 368,602,758,323 9,804 33,345 274
134 (#12,910) -Reich- 99.46% 8,119.74pp 86,889,577,137 9,753 1,650 2,168
135 (#38,415) corydoras 100.00% 6,319.92pp 51,371,961,338 9,650 9 21
136 (#34,096) Blipblo 99.14% 6,516.04pp 77,977,896,802 9,586 5,986 2,509
137 (#146,922) Sherry 98.86% 4,060.09pp 136,464,161,587 9,405 25,001 3,294
138 (#246,765) TallTarnation 98.29% 3,091.04pp 17,861,144,183 9,300 1,239 92
139 (#5,203) Jairod 99.55% 9,646.04pp 247,901,113,178 9,089 13,887 8,281
140 (#204,117) [-Marlon-] 99.79% 3,445.16pp 18,500,349,752 8,992 1,987 181
141 (#9,427) Errxr 99.51% 8,622.70pp 88,132,179,678 8,941 3,175 3,884
142 (#72,436) warivv 99.24% 5,284.43pp 44,423,654,631 8,888 3,465 794
143 (#42,260) Kazusa Touma 99.62% 6,163.07pp 36,121,854,434 8,883 2,094 15
144 (#197,992) aura 99.42% 3,502.31pp 18,309,414,288 8,864 491 1,515
145 (#108,083) VirtualMuffin 99.02% 4,614.52pp 134,848,869,032 8,797 19,048 8,953
146 (#74,071) -Teirusu- 99.71% 5,246.87pp 22,344,816,470 8,785 825 360
147 (#134,222) [Miku Nakano] 99.33% 4,228.76pp 48,845,455,463 8,766 4,648 2,745
148 (#19,993) Bogus z R400 99.62% 7,386.61pp 32,135,095,169 8,630 450 746
149 (#30,415) Amnezzia 99.27% 6,704.69pp 18,288,897,260 8,567 804 338
150 (#4,248) Silver Tail 99.33% 10,005.20pp 36,375,797,349 8,466 2,147 1,213
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