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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Haadez 97.22% 28,964.56pp 171,526,004,863 28,489 4,807 5,465
2 TheShadowOfDark 97.10% 20,372.69pp 172,639,660,632 44,370 4,964 2,843
3 Lilily 96.93% 20,158.49pp 325,333,270,335 13,367 14,547 4,850
4 Olib 97.67% 19,529.53pp 274,731,651,405 4,467 18,184 2,728
5 Buster 97.58% 19,111.19pp 49,324,921,215 12,147 3,592 675
6 Bidoof 97.32% 18,875.01pp 253,999,165,763 5,727 13,707 2,204
7 pewdekz 97.43% 18,049.25pp 100,956,119,914 2,151 9,053 5,321
8 xasuma 98.51% 18,026.43pp 624,621,205,474 35,874 55,020 11,524
9 Sowisty 98.38% 18,003.27pp 137,405,900,125 35,819 2,758 1,001
10 LwL 99.01% 14,940.14pp 142,614,696,651 763 6,768 5,004
11 Duskyui 97.33% 13,703.74pp 577,580,010,999 24,538 17,476 9,199
12 Loozy 98.21% 12,996.65pp 17,306,073,519 189 1,198 1,905
13 [Lucky] 97.26% 12,595.33pp 428,258,048,068 2,850 17,481 19,576
14 AmericanPenguin 91.15% 12,498.24pp 67,326,958,479 4,479 2,041 2,878
15 aefrogdog 99.42% 11,986.73pp 27,385,280,588 2,609 2,225 767
16 Gracidea 98.44% 11,891.31pp 62,844,450,712 6,888 3,638 2,424
17 ImMyyrh 99.39% 11,365.29pp 134,836,710,198 20,585 6,678 2,503
18 WiMpN 99.53% 10,480.84pp 821,989,081,345 52,887 45,273 8,049
19 luxcent 95.24% 10,318.33pp 17,732,442,055 304 1,429 1,856
20 Skw 99.54% 10,107.50pp 27,218,104,133 7,313 563 358
21 [-Griffin-] 86.30% 9,878.41pp 66,083,465,242 15,995 3,118 2,533
22 Seven 37.21% 9,619.02pp 50,600,467,750 1,647 2,518 2,014
23 kevin3333g 99.96% 9,181.30pp 33,996,263,149 67,495 640 6
24 Lancien 99.36% 8,731.18pp 43,348,367,909 2,368 1,973 1,970
25 SevenEnd7 94.77% 7,561.09pp 13,587,725,946 2,247 826 527
26 Trinoline 84.46% 7,034.68pp 286,097,043,143 7,146 25,505 8,354
27 _starry 99.66% 6,141.99pp 47,911,555,043 21,984 330 206
28 Espeon 99.13% 5,637.23pp 7,006,167,040 1,616 915 728
29 Zalaria 99.87% 5,442.27pp 354,228,840,305 76,790 738 1,137
30 Domi 99.41% 5,139.90pp 38,370,660,782 12,451 1,883 2,327
31 Suwako 99.21% 4,164.85pp 57,147,209,543 20,448 7,208 458
32 akire 98.84% 4,135.85pp 29,282,385,680 6,790 3,811 1,147
33 wilson0512 85.95% 4,060.96pp 5,772,107,749 1,762 884 297
34 TheMasterx5 98.90% 3,065.88pp 25,957,418,913 2,249 5,085 951
35 Emilily 99.97% 1,837.00pp 1,713,751,589 521 125 11
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