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#1 total pp from each country idk

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Motion 97.70% 56,909.45pp 139,503,164,463 1,465 4,599 1,133
2 Snowwind 97.77% 43,922.41pp 75,469,987,186 3,180 5,382 1,935
3 Crystal 97.62% 42,392.00pp 270,765,700,654 3,905 11,335 2,814
4 BossPlays 98.31% 41,479.05pp 51,386,505,401 1,104 3,380 2,488
5 -DEVN 96.82% 40,054.58pp 31,269,962,202 23 1,211 2,108
6 Captain 98.17% 37,363.11pp 137,912,956,368 1,571 4,799 1,811
7 ZYuan 97.29% 36,660.26pp 16,030,505,695 746 3,526 1,130
8 Groex 97.62% 36,131.72pp 148,033,905,327 2,002 4,151 1,264
9 awdse22 97.67% 35,700.48pp 27,002,999,983 381 4,432 2,816
10 Bunnrei 97.69% 35,579.72pp 81,013,296,073 913 2,398 466
11 Dawt 97.58% 35,003.09pp 16,145,032,309 578 2,166 465
12 Unlucky_w 98.13% 34,695.83pp 107,032,962,272 5,172 6,462 841
13 Coreanmaluco 97.70% 34,403.99pp 165,710,213,376 1,611 8,091 3,472
14 Aryssiel 97.11% 34,306.97pp 92,264,210,186 2,384 4,090 1,246
15 Dream Fire 97.70% 34,113.51pp 15,282,762,047 270 1,722 1,056
16 Umbre 97.05% 34,096.61pp 102,501,314,995 554 4,010 3,546
17 Shakti 97.33% 33,547.50pp 23,012,209,100 242 2,637 1,550
18 Applequestria 97.26% 32,453.95pp 51,846,494,358 4,789 5,439 4,286
19 CrewK fanboy 98.03% 32,338.66pp 6,677,365,291 170 1,118 562
20 Xytox 98.09% 31,870.87pp 71,394,346,190 505 4,111 2,035
21 Chatie 97.84% 31,244.67pp 81,641,312,924 2,529 4,967 2,558
22 Kimitakari 98.06% 29,920.88pp 150,562,891,225 3,509 4,635 970
23 Ash Ketchum 96.35% 29,760.92pp 53,470,088,352 406 2,231 1,360
24 Daletto 97.70% 29,609.59pp 107,803,319,792 2,117 3,841 762
25 Camme79 97.36% 29,504.40pp 63,240,764,895 472 1,973 1,039
26 TaikoWorldCup 97.38% 29,055.10pp 18,176,379,970 72 4,341 4,036
27 Accolibed 96.57% 28,841.77pp 47,811,340,929 38 1,100 1,704
28 Hana Yukiko 95.98% 28,491.73pp 27,587,939,727 217 1,957 924
29 Genjuro 97.95% 28,251.46pp 55,833,309,729 1,569 7,120 8,320
30 WaShoy 97.90% 28,062.04pp 180,179,253,316 1,226 9,840 8,296
31 [ Zhiend ] 97.60% 27,845.61pp 65,413,995,593 446 3,358 2,082
32 Rashod 97.67% 27,829.35pp 60,594,076,539 1,064 4,248 2,778
33 _aphantasia 97.00% 27,617.40pp 11,140,793,698 143 1,087 1,041
34 MrGoose 97.71% 27,603.03pp 26,232,081,734 561 2,958 1,780
35 FGSky 96.24% 27,368.52pp 24,578,186,147 131 1,432 1,240
36 EnigmaIsBoss 97.37% 27,305.01pp 18,340,587,162 116 1,428 1,669
37 Netamaru 98.38% 27,304.52pp 70,459,188,937 502 1,520 114
38 Sparxe 97.67% 26,806.86pp 9,262,206,126 417 3,465 640
39 JDS20 96.20% 25,306.79pp 18,277,845,588 174 3,057 2,087
40 Astrea 97.73% 25,289.69pp 46,874,034,146 391 2,815 1,141
41 Korglif 98.07% 25,116.04pp 48,595,304,012 721 3,281 743
42 L e n 97.64% 25,008.65pp 23,470,153,279 209 1,062 1,224
43 Maffe 96.89% 24,919.90pp 34,218,213,256 105 2,199 1,914
44 XEPCOH 99.38% 24,705.19pp 63,202,804,439 1,105 4,850 2,779
45 lepinja77 97.64% 24,625.83pp 183,558,958,235 3,183 9,994 4,296
46 SrChispa 96.89% 24,389.71pp 52,502,322,911 141 1,954 1,210
47 gal1 97.68% 23,225.19pp 66,388,699,221 686 2,129 781
48 Makou 98.42% 23,223.05pp 61,173,335,620 1,312 6,273 3,274
49 Rebo 97.35% 23,175.13pp 82,036,881,808 190 2,282 2,904
50 Gersonfull 96.66% 21,048.80pp 82,148,797,656 3,951 5,079 949
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