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French SS CTB club

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
51 TomyLeFaux 97.64% 17,118.00pp 24,239,555,782 1,251 1,610 452
52 Pizou 93.72% 8,828.53pp 101,572,963,825 1,235 8,676 343
53 Mayrik 99.60% 3,317.57pp 6,039,258,274 1,188 407 21
54 Boros 98.71% 26,055.71pp 148,291,378,013 1,159 7,522 1,203
55 Woolfiemoon 99.01% 2,298.72pp 4,015,060,686 1,158 449 172
56 Jasmine 99.42% 10,966.70pp 44,082,123,791 1,106 1,841 110
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