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Zawadiaki DKL'a

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 paprotkaaaa 95.73% 26,541.26pp 6,250,078,356 236 1,891 1,139
2 Justin14p 96.69% 19,920.02pp 6,089,480,177 56 1,493 1,198
3 Placek21 96.76% 15,557.08pp 18,915,274,690 432 1,765 1,046
4 Neeflez 96.10% 12,697.26pp 21,135,264,797 24 1,013 1,858
5 Veron 99.24% 12,307.40pp 32,874,159,438 91 734 780
6 wojexe 94.03% 10,574.15pp 24,162,894,889 58 775 1,386
7 wbatek 97.22% 7,930.01pp 3,415,639,033 110 992 625
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