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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 [MG]Arnold24x24 96.65% 25,123.43pp 79,342,388,254 852 2,604 1,471
2 Utami 96.61% 25,025.28pp 52,712,351,691 174 1,226 911
3 aetrna 96.35% 23,518.89pp 21,590,860,945 151 1,122 1,292
4 NyanPotato 92.77% 21,711.77pp 15,508,597,287 15 510 706
5 Aricin 96.58% 21,134.20pp 82,516,435,198 93 1,833 2,293
6 rayuii 94.27% 20,199.24pp 142,482,624,663 292 3,965 2,332
7 Mathi 98.87% 19,998.93pp 182,055,250,314 175 2,853 2,115
8 shimon 98.65% 19,971.20pp 35,469,752,396 104 1,076 2,051
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